will a belly button piercing close

Can I take my belly button piercing out without it closing.
Will my belly button piercing close If I take it out for two.
Will My belly button piercing close after 3 hours? - Yahoo! Answers.
It was the right thing to take it out--- the other user described piercing rejection, which usually leads to lots of scarring. Taking the jewelry out and.
Aug 18, 2008. The first thing that you will need to take into consideration is why your teen wants a belly button piercing. In most cases, it is because some of.
Healing periods differ a lot from person to person. It shouldn't close after just a few hours, if it's been healing for almost four months. If you're really.
It won't close. It would take way longer than a few hours to close up. You don't need a retainer or anything. Just put it back in when you get home from.
How long should it take my belly button piercing to close up.
will a belly button piercing close
TOPIC: To any of you who have gotten their belly buttons pierced.
will a belly button piercing close
How long does it take for a belly button piercing to close and fully.It was the right thing to take it out--- the other user described piercing rejection, which usually leads to lots of scarring. Taking the jewelry out and.
Aug 18, 2008. The first thing that you will need to take into consideration is why your teen wants a belly button piercing. In most cases, it is because some of.
Healing periods differ a lot from person to person. It shouldn't close after just a few hours, if it's been healing for almost four months. If you're really.
It won't close. It would take way longer than a few hours to close up. You don't need a retainer or anything. Just put it back in when you get home from.
I've had my belly button pierced for about 6 years, and I've made the decision it. Can I just take the jewellery out and then keep it clean with salt. other piecings do, so I'd say within a maximum of a month it should close up.
How soon will my belly button piercing close? - Yahoo! Answers.
I have had my belly button peirced for two months …. but I'm scared the hole will close up or the new bellyring with make my belly button become infected.. Okay I just got mine pierced 2 days ago and hear is what I learned.
i had it pierced for about five months and i recently took it out because i don't like the way it looks and want to get it repeirced but i'm not sure how long i should.
I have had my belly button pierced for 6 months an…. I've had a lip piercing for a year, and that will close after at least 4 hours, this kind of.
If you take out your belly button ring will it ever close or will the hole still be there . I think I kept my navel piercing in for 2 year, then got tired of it.
Is a bellybutton piercing permanent.? - Yahoo! Answers.
I have had it pierced for four years, but I have to take it out for two. It's hard to say since every persons body is different. Your best bet, if possible.
Depends on how long you've had it and your body. Everyone's body is different. some people can take their piercings out for hours, sometimes days.
DON'T take your piercing out! It will close within minutes because its not fully healed that'll take 6-12 months. Even then it might start to close.
Also, My mom used to work with doctors and told me to put alcohol on it to disinfect it since its closed. I got my belly button pierced exactly a.